The Fundamentals of Olympic Pistol Shooting

The Fundamentals of Olympic Pistol Shooting

At the beginning of this course I would like to point out one very important fact. Namely, that all the elements of the position technique are strictly individual to the shooter. The description that follows is a general frame model that should be understood and applied accordingly to the shooters individual characteristics. Through daily work, feedback and experience, this model has to be adapted to the shooters best benefit, respecting all the requirements that follow.Basic principles, described in this text, contain essential values that have been achieved through the work of many years and generations of successful shooters from all over the world. When adding all the experience and knowledge gained from the trainers that have been working with them, a long list of knowledge, research, scientific findings, education systems, experiences and suggestions that come from various experts from the fields of sport medicine, physiology, psychology, physical preparations, biomechanics, technical engineering and information science, one cannot doubt the great importance this text represents. These principles must be taken in account when building a foundation for the development and co-ordination of the individual characteristics of the shooter through the daily work.

When building a correct shooting position, all the aspects of the position have to be recognised – position of the feet, legs, torso, arms, hands, shoulders and head, as well as movements engaged in the lifting, sighting and triggering techniques. All these technical elements have one goal: maximum performance output.

To achieve the ultimate goal, a perfect shot, besides a ”good eye” and ”steady hand” (as the most primitive and raw definition described by ordinary ”amateurs”) it is necessary to meet a wide range of requirements to provide and secure the conditions for satisfactory shoot delivery. This will lead to the conclusion that the shooting position is one of the most important roles in building a successful shooter.

A simple fact, known to all, is that it is not possible to hold the pistol 100% still in the aiming area. This will lead to the conclusion that a smaller area of the movement will give better chance of scoring 10. Anyhow, we all know that sometimes the result is not satisfactory, despite the fact that the movement is as desired. A wide range of the factors can affect the score. In the majority of cases it will be due to the technical imperfection or psychological factors that are influencing the lack of co-ordination between the technical factors responsible for delivering a perfect shot.

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